are more X-files sites out there that i really, really admire but unfortunately,
as much as i want to post their addies here, my homework and TV gets on
the way, so please, be patient. as soon as i'm done with highschool,
then maybe, i get a chance to post some more *kid*. if u'd like me
to post your site here, then by all means, mail me
x-files fanfic page
my friend from school. great
fanfics, especially those in her 'vignettes' directory. her site
was the first one to archive my fanfics, so be nice to her.
anime page
friend from school. great anime images, edited with Adobe PS.
helped me w/ my site's design, so be nice with'em.
~ Sea's Land of X ~
you'll find fanfics, a spoilerville section,
her favourite stories and authors of the x.
complete with pictures, sounds, fanfics, and
awards. if you're gonna visit this site, i suggest going to his pictures
section where you'll find great images.
note: x-files and its characters aren't
mine. they are owned by chris carter, 1013 production, and the fox
network. no infringement intended.